The Pulse: African Rhythms – 26th April
April 26, 2023
6:30 pm
Fradgley Hall, Burleigh Heads

Location: GOLD COAST, Fradgley Hall, Burleigh Heads

Fee: AUD $40.00

African Rhythms – 26th April

Would you like to feel uplifted through high energy African music?

Would you like to explore exuberant and vibrant African rhythms?

You are going to learn essentials of African rhythms with Gareth, who has studied African rhythms for 15+ years.

You will learn basic grooves of African music while having tremendous amount of fun!

At the end of the class, you will be able to play basic African beats while returning home with a big smile and feel uplifted!

BYO Drums. You can hire a drum from us for $10 each.

Hire A Drum – AUD $10.00